Financial Times, How To Spend It, Mar '15

Van der Postings - Jam Packed
Those of us lucky enough to have seen some of Egypt’s treasures in its own museums and temples know what a rich cultural heritage it has – so it seems odd that so little contemporary Egyptian design reaches Europe. Egyptian-born Hedayat, who lives with her husband and children in London, has put that right. In November she opened Jam Space, in Chelsea, a shop selling delightful household objects and accessories, many designed and made in the country of her birth.
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Those of us lucky enough to have seen some of Egypt’s treasures in its own museums and temples know what a rich cultural heritage it has – so it seems odd that so little contemporary Egyptian design reaches Europe. Egyptian-born Hedayat, who lives with her husband and children in London, has put that right. In November she opened Jam Space, in Chelsea, a shop selling delightful household objects and accessories, many designed and made in the country of her birth.
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